Friday, October 5, 2007

Sidetracked with the Beales

Yea!! I just got my new encaustic paintings posted to my Etsy store. It feels so good to finally post new things. I hadn't posted much all summer since, as usual I decided to switch gears and learn something new, when I was just geting into a rythym with oil painting. Fun for sure, but it doesn't amount to many new paintings...
But alas a pause from the encaustics to finish some long neglected Beales paintings.
I've got this small little Edie just about finished- just lacking some minor touches, but I'm really happy with it.
My intention this morning was to paint a partner canvas- same size but of big Edie. Leave it to me to get sidetracked. Instead, I started a new larger canvas of a scene with both Edies on it. I 'd really been wanting to see both Edies together and to paint larger, so I'm glad I went with it. It's drying now so I can get back to work on it tomorrow-- and also Big Edie's portrait. I swear...! Must have Edie prints done for Christmas.

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