Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter blast 2008...

is good for making cookies.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Hot Stuff!

2 posts in one day! Unheard of.
I've been sewing potholders lately. It all started with this book. I love the faux chenille ones, and they're so quick and easy. I hope to make some more for holiday gifts. I mean, who doesn't need a potholder?

Nature abstract

Acrylic on braced luan

I painted this the other day in a frenzy to produce something to fill a blank spot on our bedroom wall. I gathered some leaves and pine cones while out walking Vinny and used them to start drawing shapes. It's rare that I paint something with our house in mind. I usually like to have other people's art up in the house, but can't afford any large pieces.

Abstracts are not usually my thing, but it's growing on me..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Around the corner

I keep passing this corner when I walk Vinny. I wish I could find some wet cement to draw in and watch it fill with moss.

Friday, December 5, 2008

5 minutes a day...

I jumped on the Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day bandwagon a few months ago. Thus far I haven't veered off the basic recipe. I ought to try some of the wheat bread soon, but I guess I haven't tired of white bread yet. I've been known to eat a half a loaf right out of the oven with butter and honey (gluten anyone?).

The basic recipe is also really versatile. Aside from free form loaves, you can make sticky buns, pizza dough and dinner rolls with it. I'm still not certain how they calculate the 5 minutes... but it is quick and easy. Not to mention that simply knowing I can whip out some sticky buns at the drop of a hat makes the world brighter.

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