Thursday, September 25, 2008

angry goat people

I sat down to paint today for the first time in months. I was drawing on this left over block of poplar wood and kept erasing ideas. It went from bathing beauties to these funny looking goats with angry expressions. Eventually some of the underlying drawings merged together and the goat faces became people in a park. These photos are part of the same painting, but for some reason, when I shoot the whole thing, it's blurring, but detail comes out clear? I hadn't used acrylic in a while. I had forgotten how the quick drying time allows you to draw over things. The result is a sort of sketchy drawing/painting, which I like. I feel like I should have gotten more painting accomplished today, but I ought to be happy that I did anything. Maybe the goat people will lead to something. Baahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

1 comment:

tangled sky studio said...

these funky fellows are awesome! i really like the two shades of green in the park...nice work.



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