Friday, September 26, 2008


These moccasins are a birthday gift from my mom. They arrived today and I couldn't wait to put them on. Never mind that my birthday isn't until next month. I'm not one for waiting. I've been wanted a nice pair of comfortable moccasins for ages. I saw these in a shop in Sun River, but they didn't have my size. I ordered these from Minnetonka Moccasin online shop. Yea, ok my mom handed me her credit card, but that's just how we do gifts sometimes. I was originally going to go with a pair with the thunderbird beaded design. My husband (and sometimes fashion advisor), let me know that they looked like something a 50 year old housewife would wear and to go with the plain red ones instead.

My apologies to any 50 year old housewives who read my blog. Personally, I don't consider that description to be a negative, but he's been questioning my 'taste level' since we started watching Project Runway. I decided to heed his advise this time and have no regrets. Since I scaled down my shoe addiction, I no longer have a red pair, and these are so versatile and comfy. Thanks mom!

One can never have too many moccasins, so I do still see a pair of these in my future. Maybe in pink or yellow for Spring?

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