Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's a Boy!

I think we're welcoming a new member to our family today. Monday I was taking a nap after work and Shawn woke me up to say there was a pug on the Humane Society website and they were open for another 20 minutes and did I want to go visit him. We'd been loosely keeping an eye out for a small dog, and so in a sleepy haze we went to visit. He's a sweet one, though a bit out of shape (he and I both...) and with a skin condition that hopefully can be cleared up with a good diet. His name is Baylee (pronounced Bailey) and I'd hate to change since it's been his name for 5 years, but I guess it's all in the tone right? We'd like to name him Vinnie, though I figure we could also get away with 'Bay Leaf' pretty easily and he might not detect a difference.

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