Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cowboy Harry Webb

Harry is a sharp dresser, plus he just so happens to wear glasses, thus meeting my new portrait criteria!  

I'm having a lot of fun painting skin tones.  I used to mix primary colors together with white to get this putty tan tone that made everyone look like Barbie.  I'm now onto a better technique of keeping the colors separate so you can see greens, yellows, pinks and blues in the skin tone.  I'm much happier with it.  I'm still painting with the first tubes of oil paint that I bought to experiment with.  It's amazing how much longer they last compared to acrylic paints.  I have every color under the sun in acrylic, but with oils, I've stuck with the primary colors plus a yellow ochre and a raw umber.  This is forcing me to mix more of my own colors and also just keeps life more simple.  Both good things for now.

In other news, it's supposed to reach a balmy 60 degrees today!  

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